Tagged: Wine Making

The impact of climate change on wine growing

Thunderstorms, drought periods, forest fires: Climate change can be felt in almost all areas of life – and viticulture is no exception. Winegrowers need to adapt to new conditions, as the changes to climate and weather conditions have a direct impact on grapevines planted in vineyard parcels, sometimes even with serious consequences.

Technology used in red wine production

In red wine production, a number of factors go into shaping each wine’s individual character. Key parameters include the location and climate of the vineyard, grape variety and methods of cultivation, ripeness of the grapes, timing of the harvest, approach to pressing the grapes, and, lastly, aging of the wine.


Pét-nat: Back to nature

The method is nothing new and yet it seems like the brilliant idea was discovered just yesterday: “Pét-nat,” a centuries-old winemaking method that produces a more-or-less sparking wine usually clouded by yeast.

moderne industrielle Traubenpresse

Grape presses: Turning grapes into wine

Grape presses, also called wine presses, feature sophisticated technology. To this day they remain a key piece of equipment for any winery, provided the winery receives the grapes itself and oversees the wine production process right from the very start of the process chain. Presses represent a huge investment, so a purchase needs to be well thought out and consider the specific requirements of the business.

2019 grape harvest in Europe

2019 grape harvest in Europe

The EU Commission, the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), and other international institutes involved in recording annual grape harvests across Europe and around the world expect that the 2019 EU grape harvest will be between 156 and 160 million hectoliters – well below the previous year’s figure of more than 190 million hectoliters. The quality of wine is considered to be consistently good and in fact better than in 2018.


Vermouth on the victory march

Long decried as cheap booze, vermouth has now rid itself of its negative image and is well on its way to taking bars, and eventually households too, by storm. Manufacturers and distributors see good opportunities for strong growth, especially in the premium segment.

cider in glass

Cider set for greater international success

Cider is experiencing growth all around the world and is increasingly becoming a true international beverage. One of the industry’s strengths is its flair for innovation, made clear at this year’s Global Cider Forum in Frankfurt.


Summer wines: light and fruity pleasure for warm days

Marketing and salespeople have long asked themselves: Are wine consumption habits related to the season and when are which wines consumed? And beyond that: Are there any recipes or blueprints for types of wine that people especially like to drink in summer — what we like to call summer wines?

High quality organic wine on the shelf

Organic wine: What does the market offer and what do consumers want?

Organic wine seems to be a major trend – but a closer look reveals something else: Organic wine is still a niche! Organic wine-growing areas account for just under six percent of global vineyards. The share is somewhat higher in Germany – at 7.5 percent – but even here, organic wine has a downside.