Tagged: Spirits

High demand on the indian-spirits-market

The Indian spirits industry

India is one of the largest producers and consumers of spirits globally. Popularly known as a whiskey market, India is one of the largest spirits markets on the basis of volume. Though it is driven primarily by whiskey growth, other subsegments like brandy, rum, vodka and gin have also been posting steady numbers in the last few years. The country’s huge population (1.3 billion strong), rising disposable income and changing lifestyle are expected to keep the spirits demand high for the foreseeable future.


Vermouth on the victory march

Long decried as cheap booze, vermouth has now rid itself of its negative image and is well on its way to taking bars, and eventually households too, by storm. Manufacturers and distributors see good opportunities for strong growth, especially in the premium segment.

Gin is one of the absolute boom segments among the spirits.

No end to the gin boom

Gin is one of the hottest segments in the spirits world. This category is growing in practically every important market around the world. Germany is part of this success story as well.

Rum is the New Whiskey”

The old mariners’ drink is far more than just an ingredient in cocktails or grog: More and more aficionados are...

a glas of gin

Gin is still in

Straight or in a cocktail, the enormous selection and variety of flavors has furthered the success of the juniper-based spirit...