Tagged: Specialist Retailer

AB InBev’s lightweight longneck bottle

Sustainable cap connections in the beverage industry

Sustainability remains at the forefront of the development of glass and PET bottles, drink cartons and cans. The demands placed on packaging by consumers and legislators vary depending on material, but all fall under this overarching, dominant topic. Caps that are firmly attached to the bottle or carton (for single-use plastics), reduced use of material (lightweight glass bottles) and increased use of recycled material (rPET) are important goals, and will continue to be in future. Let’s take a look at current projects.

Kalte Teegetränke

Cold tea drinks on the rise

Even traditionally hot drinks can be transformed into refreshments for any occasion. Cold tea drinks can be pure or augmented by fruity notes, sweetening or and even organic variations – offerings that consumers increasingly desire.

Türschild "Wir haben geschlossen" im Lockdown

Lockdown: Effects on beverage wholesalers

The lockdown in March/April 2020 and the (partial) lockdown in place since November 2020 have led to great losses in the beverage industry. The evaluations of GEDAT Getränkedaten show the extent of these losses. The data was collected based on the number of companies supplied by beverage wholesalers each month in the out-of-house market.