Tagged: Process Optimization

Optimized cleaning — only when needed

Needs-based cleaning is now often considered a foresighted concept for a new approach to cleaning. But what does this involve? How do we define the need for cleaning? Martin Löhrke, CEO of the Lübeck-based Jürgen Löhrke GmbH, provides his insights into the options already available today for meeting the requirements of individual cleaning.

Firefighting water tanks

The sustainability puzzle at the Munich Hofbräuhaus

Do good and tell people about it. There is still a lot of good to be done in the areas of environmental protection and sustainable production. When it comes to sustainable beer production, the Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in Munich is one of the trailblazers. And yet we hardly ever hear about the many measures being taken there. Why? Because sustainable business is simply common sense according to Dr Michael Möller, technical director, and Sebastian Utz, environmental officer at Hofbräuhaus München.

Nahaufnahme VR Brille

The digital transformation in the beverage industry

The global pandemic has spotlighted the food and beverage sector. In particular because fluctuating customer requirements and closed borders strained supply chains to their limits. Reda Mostafa, Business Development Director at PTC, explains here how the digital transformation of the food and beverage industry can help it operate successfully, even in such unpredictable times.

Smartwatch am Handgelenk

Keeping an eye on bottling systems with the smartwatch

It is practically impossible to operate bottling plants efficiently without the appropriate IT systems. Until now, smartwatches have played almost no role in this. Christian Diederich, founder of SubLine Solutions, highlights their immense potential in beverage production.

Kleine Bierfassgrößen im Lager

Keg sizes: The trends in the draft beer market

What advantages can reducing the size of barrels in catering bring? To what extent can this positively affect beverage dispensing quality, hygiene, variety and even labor law aspects? Read for yourself.

bekuplast Flaschenkästen

Reduced-volume bottle cases

When it comes to stacking the current crates and bottle cases, a lot of space is left in between. The available transport and storage volumes could be put to significantly better use. Tim Siebels, from the Office for Logistics Research in Dortmund, presents a new development that utilizes the narrower bottleneck diameter for optimized packing density.

Lieferkettenmanagement Milch

Ensuring stronger supply chain management

Food scandals and production errors by food manufacturers are prompting the dairy industry to strengthen protections in their supply chains. Always in the public spotlight, the dairy industry faces significant competitive pressure as well consumers’ demands for safety and transparency. These factors make it essential for this industry to achieve reliable supply chain management to ensure transparency, efficiency, control and safety.