Tagged: Packaging Technology

All news about packaging technology.

AB InBev’s lightweight longneck bottle

Sustainable cap connections in the beverage industry

Sustainability remains at the forefront of the development of glass and PET bottles, drink cartons and cans. The demands placed on packaging by consumers and legislators vary depending on material, but all fall under this overarching, dominant topic. Caps that are firmly attached to the bottle or carton (for single-use plastics), reduced use of material (lightweight glass bottles) and increased use of recycled material (rPET) are important goals, and will continue to be in future. Let’s take a look at current projects.

bekuplast Flaschenkästen

Reduced-volume bottle cases

When it comes to stacking the current crates and bottle cases, a lot of space is left in between. The available transport and storage volumes could be put to significantly better use. Tim Siebels, from the Office for Logistics Research in Dortmund, presents a new development that utilizes the narrower bottleneck diameter for optimized packing density.

© Pixabay / User: Squirrel_photos

Competitive advantages thanks to innovative packaging technologies

Automated production with the use of robots is mainly associated with the automotive industry. Today, such modern technologies are emerging in a growing number of industries, including the food and consumer goods industry. In 2018, the food sector had one of the strongest year over year growth rates with around 32 percent of all newly installed robots.

sustainable packaging for beverages

Sustainable packaging of the future

Sustainable packaging is now trending. New EU plastic guidelines and the global discussion surrounding climate change and pollution of the world’s oceans have ensured that manufacturers of beverages and beverage packaging are developing innovative concepts and continuing to push ahead with research activities aimed at recycling.

Packaging alternatives to glass bottles have, to date, hardly played any role in the wine industry. Many consumers regard wine in glass bottles, especially in the form of the common 1.0- and 0.75-liter bottles, as a part of wine’s identity.

Glass bottles for wine… and the environment?

As a material, glass has been used for thousands of years. Its benefits were recognized early on, be it in the form of beverage or storage receptacles or even as glass panes for the first windows installed in Roman villas.

Sustainable labels for non-alcoholic drinks

Now trending: Sustainable labels

Manufacturers are responding to the rise in customer demand for sustainable packing solutions by adapting their products to meet these needs and are offering the beverage industry a wide range of sustainable labels.