Tagged: Fruit Juice Industry

All about juices and drinks made from fruits.


Caramel sugar – an ingredient with potential

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, sales figures for malt beers – which are technically called malt drinks or malt beverages – have risen steadily. Prof. Jean Titze, Luisa Schubotz, Jannis Böhlke and Johannes Jeske from the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Köthen say this is a good reason to explore the characteristics of this drink and its special ingredient, caramel sugar.

Fruchtsäfte mit unterschiedlichem Obst

Juicy marketing in the fruit juice industry

Sugar-free, low-carb, fructose-intolerance, gluten-free, self-optimization – these are the buzzwords of the latest diet trends among millennials and GenZs. This certainly doesn’t bode well for a juice comeback! Simultaneously, a product’s region of origin, whether it contains vitamins, whether it is homemade, “craft,” organic and vegetarian or vegan are all becoming increasingly important. The coronavirus pandemic and lockdown have also seemingly led to an interim juice beverage recovery. Will it last, or is it temporary?