Beverages on request – an exciting marketing challenge
Digitization has long since irrevocably and decisively changed consumer behavior. Whether it’s through online retail, e-book readers or streaming services,...
Digitization has long since irrevocably and decisively changed consumer behavior. Whether it’s through online retail, e-book readers or streaming services,...
Featured post: Whether it’s LEDs on soft-drink bottles or forgery-proof RFID labels on spirits, smart labels are making their way...
It’s impossible to optimize processes without transparent production flows. And if individual process steps lack clarity, those hoping to make...
Forced automation, price drops and rising energy costs: The competitive pressure on international brewers is mounting. The culprit behind all...
Featured post: Digitalization has significantly changed our lives. That doesn’t change the fact that we need to keep eating and...
The real and virtual worlds are becoming more and more interwoven. In the beverage industry, a network of machines is...
Economical business: The term “efficiency culture” is important when it comes to optimizing work and production processes within a company....
Marketing and technology aren’t always the best of friends. The better organized technology is, the more creative possibilities there are...
Unlike in England and France, the e-commerce market for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in Germany is still in its...