Introducing Petra Westphal

Immer gut gelaunt: drinktec-Projektleiterin Petra Westphal

Always in a good mood: drinktec Exhibition Group Director: Petra Westphal

For over twenty years now I have been involved with drinktec, and during that time I have made it from junior assistant to “Miss drinktec” J. For me, being Exhibition Director of this show is a perfect job, working for a fantastic sector, and it certainly feels like I have won the top prize in the lotto! This sector is so diverse, so open, creative and international, and it always gives me and my team plenty of scope for continually developing the “World´s Leading Trade Fair for the Beverage and Liquid Food Industry” and keeping it the trendsetter that it is, constantly ahead of the game.

Happily, when I was told years ago that a woman would never succeed in this male-dominated sector, I wasn´t discouraged, and resolved to give it a go. And my experience has been that no matter what job you do, or whether you are a man or a woman, what counts much more is reliability, competence and humanity. And not least passion, which I firmly believe can indeed move mountains J.

Maybe you are wondering how someone can work for such a long time on the same project. Well, I am convinced that few other jobs can offer such an interesting mix of business and culture, and in the same way that the sector is constantly moving forward, so, too, is drinktec. Just look back at the way drinktec-interbrau has evolved into drinktec, and at its satellite events that have been created around the world: in China, India and South Africa! That is what shaping the future is all about!

I am looking forward to seeing some of you this year on our worldwide drinktec roadshow. Remember: See orange and think drinktec!






drinktec Blog-Team

The drinktec team writes reports on everything to do with drinktec and gives insights into what is going on behind the scenes of the trade fair.