Attractive accompanying program at fdt Africa 2016
Alongside the chance to review solutions tailored specifically to the African market, visitors to fdt 2016 can also look forward to an exciting program of supporting events.
Panel discussion and case studies in the Exhibitor Forum
New in 2016: As well as all the innovations and new developments on show at the booths of the exhibitors, fdt 2016 also features an Exhibitor Forum—a knowledge platform for presenting expertise and experience on how to master the challenges and meet the requirements of the market in southern Africa. Here, on both days, top experts from the sector will be setting out practice-oriented case studies and engaging in Panel discussions. The main themes are chosen to reflect the needs of the African market: “Resource efficient production – save water and energy”, “Latest trends in packaging for the food/beverage industry” and “Solutions for the bakery industry”.
Other events at fdt
Alongside the Exhibitor Forum with its Panel discussions, the supporting program at food & drink technology Africa also features a number of other events: MicroBrew Symposium, the UniMicroBrew design competition and before the show the hb Media Tour.
All important information and the times for the accompanying program of food & drink technology Africa are available on our website under Accomapanying Programme.