Category: Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Fruit sparkling juices

Sales decline for sparkling juice drinks

In 2020, the sparkling juice drinks market registered a negative sales growth of -12.1% across the whole of Germany as compared to 2019, according to figures from the market research institute (IRI) for the food retail industry. They predominantly blame rising prices for the declining sales and revenue across the entire sparkling juice drink sector.

Kalte Teegetränke

Cold tea drinks on the rise

Even traditionally hot drinks can be transformed into refreshments for any occasion. Cold tea drinks can be pure or augmented by fruity notes, sweetening or and even organic variations – offerings that consumers increasingly desire.

energy drinks

Energy drink market in Thailand

As the fourth largest global market for energy drinks, Thailand’s energy drinks market has witnessed steady growth rates for a number of years in the past decade. Growth rates in this sub-segment of beverages have come down by a few percentage points, but the country remains one of the most important energy drinks markets in Asia.


Immense Opportunities in the Indian non-alcoholic beverage market

With a population of nearly 1.30 billion, India offers immense opportunities for domestic and international beverage companies. The Indian non-alcoholic beverage market has grown steadily over the years. However, much like the other markets, demand for carbonated beverages has stagnated. Packaged juices, water, energy and health drinks have taken a huge share from carbonated soft drinks.

Ballaststoffhaltiges Getraenk von oben

High-fiber beverages create new opportunities

The German adage says it all: “Good health starts in your gut.” This means one thing in particular: The more stable your digestive tract, the better armed your body is to fight off disease. The German Society of Nutrition recommends 30 grams of fiber per day. Just about everyone now knows that fiber is healthful and good for the digestive tract, but people generally continue to eat a lot of low-fiber foods.

sober curious alkoholfreier Gin

‘Sober curious’ and other trends in the beverage industry

Trends always play some kind of role in influencing the drinking behavior of people throughout all levels of society. Trends often have an impact that goes well beyond just the beverage industry but, in some cases, a trend also has a direct effect there. Such topics as one’s carbon footprint and plastic waste easily come to mind. Besides sustainability requirements, an individual’s well-being during consumption is growing increasingly important these days. And thanks to the “sober curious” trend, a range of new product creations have already begun to address this. Here, beverage producers receive guidance from global consumer trends forecasted for upcoming years so producers can swiftly fulfill consumer demand in such areas as the focal point here, health.