Occasion-based design: Diverse range of possibilities for beverage marketing
Buying gifts or small souvenirs—who really enjoys doing that? For most people, these kind of “occasion-based” purchases are more of a burdensome task. Which is why many turn to beverages. Thanks to clever marketing and occasion-based packaging designs, they can simplify the agony of selecting something considerably. And that makes customers happy.
The GfK Consumer Research Association says that 40 percent of all purchases are occasion oriented. Furthermore, customers are particularly generous, spending an average of 33 percent more than for normal purchases. These are the best prerequisites for marketing to make purchasing expensive beverage palatable to consumers. The design of the packaging and promoting the beverages in a targeted manner play a major role.
Occasions are a dime a dozen
Whether it comes to birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, a passed test or merely an invitation to dinner: Everyone has had to ask themselves the puzzling question of what would make an appropriate gift. Not to mention annual holidays such as Christmas, New Years Eve, Easter or Mothers Day. And the list of possible occasions can go on and on. When it comes to occasion-based shopping (OBS), people generally distinguish between year-round and seasonal occasions. The GfK emphasizes the great potential of year-round occasions because they do not just represent short phases that revolve around a specific date. Invitations to brunch or a bachelor party happen almost all the time.
Flexible packaging to get to market quickly
Of course, it is neither economically feasible nor necessary for the beverage industry to constantly develop entirely new packaging designs for occasion-based marketing. Adaptability may be the magic word here. The master design should make it possible to accommodate specific occasion-based marketing measures quickly. Examples might include special outer packaging, banderoles or bottleneck advertising. Direct printing also allows packaging manufacturers to implement new designs quickly. Different packaging solutions and innovations in the beverage packaging sector are a focus topic at this year’s drinktec.
Displays that call attention to special designs are an additional eye-catcher at the point of sale. Because customers are often relieved when they find an appropriate gift, they view the product as a stroke of luck. And they think less about their wallets than they would making a “standard purchase.” In this respect, “liquid gifts” may and should tend to be valuable and carry a price.
Beverage packaging at drinktec
Additional information on this topic will be available at the “World of Labels.” drinktec has a separate exhibition sector especially for marketing specialists and manufacturers of labels and labeling technology to offer them plenty of ideas. In addition, product and brand managers as well as marketing executives can exchange ideas and information at the Innovation Flow Lounge, which will be open on September 11 from 12:30 to 14:30 and from September 12 to 14 from 11:30 to 14:30.
Innovation Flow Lounge is supported by:
- Döhler
- FoodBev Media
- Sahm GmbH