Author: Mareike Hasenbeck

a glas of gin

Gin is still in

Straight or in a cocktail, the enormous selection and variety of flavors has furthered the success of the juniper-based spirit...

Grain varieties form different malts

How does beer get its color?

Pale, dark or black beer: grain varieties are dried to form different malts, which give the beer its color and...

people get together and drink some craftbeer

What is ‘craft’ beer?

A new beer culture is currently emerging around the world. In virtually all corners of the globe, young brewers are...

Hops - The Soul of Beer

The Soul of Beer

Cascade, Callista or Mandarina Bavaria: Water already starts to run in the mouth of craft brewers and beer lovers when...

glasses for a beer tasting

Basic rules for beer tastings

A beer-tasting session is similar to a wine dégustation. Participants learn to assess the color, aroma and taste of the...